Dr. Kushal Agrawal
Associate Consultant- Surgical Oncology
Dr. Kushal Agrawal is a dedicated Surgical Oncologist who merges cutting-edge technology with advanced medical expertise to revolutionize cancer treatment. With a passion for innovation, Dr. Kushal Agrawal specializes in leveraging robotic-assisted techniques to perform precise, minimally invasive surgeries, maximizing patient outcomes and quality of life. He is a Gold medalist in Surgical oncology ranking first across India and has been awarded with an international fellowship by the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO). He has worked at various renowned institutions in Mumbai, New Delhi and Bangalore and has operated a large number of cancer patients with high success rates. He has been a part of various research papers and has attended numerous conferences to keep himself updated with current practices in the field. With a dedication to pushing the boundaries of medical science, Dr. Kushal Agrawal is committed to shaping the future of cancer care through his advanced skills and continuous research.
- Robotic Surgical Oncology
- Peritoneal Surface Malignancy- HIPEC/PIPAC
- Gynaecological Cancer
- Gatroenterological Cancer
- Head and Neck Cancer
- Breast Cancer
- National Gold medal- DrNB Superspeciality Exam- 2021
- Vattikuti Robotic Surgical Oncology Fellowship- Vattikuti Foundation, USA
- International travelling observation course- Yonsei University, Severance Hospital, Seoul, Korea
- Best poster award- SISSO conference 2023, Seoul, South Korea
- Best poster award- ISPSM- Peritoneal Malignancy conference 2023- Tata Medical Centre, Kolkata
- Best video presentation- Laparosurg 2023, Coimbatore India
- Best Oral paper Presentation- ABSICON- Breast Cancer conference- 2023, Ahmedabad, India
- International Observership course- Department of Robotic Thoracic Surgery- Langone Hospital, NYU, New York, USA
- Oral presentation- International Thoracic Surgical Oncology Summit, American Association of Thoracic Surgery, 2023, New York, USA
- Oral and Video Presentation- Clinical Robotic Surgery Association conference 2023, Chicago, USA
- Poster presentation- PSOGI- 2023, Venice, Italy
- Video Presentation- KS International Awards 2023, Vattikuti Foundation- Ghent, Belgium
- Best video presentation award- Indian Cancer Congress 2023, Mumbai, India
- IASO-Brazilian Surgical Oncology travelling fellowship award- ICC 2023.
- Faculty talk- SSI Mantra Robotic conference- 2024, New Delhi, India
- Faculty- Live case Demonstration- Continental Hospital, Hyderabad
- Best Oral paper presentation- ARIS-CRSA conference 2024, New Delhi, India
Paper Published:
- A rare cause of Sciatic Pain: Multiple schwannomas of sciatic nerve. JMSCR- November 2016
- Submental flap: Game changer in oral cancer reconstruction- A study of 1169 cases. Journal of surgical oncology- July 2020.
- Impact of depth of invasion (According to layer) on lymph node metastasis in buccal mucosa cancers. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery- October 2021
- Experience-based procedure card for robotic-assisted low anterior resection using the Indian SSI Mantra Robot. Int J Adv Robot Innov Surg 2023;1:70-4.
- Experience-based procedure card of robotic type I radical hysterectomy with indo cyanine green dye sentinel lymph node biopsy using SSI mantra Indian robotic system. Int J Adv Robot Innov Surg 2023;1:65-9
- Prospective analysis of autonomic nerve preserving robotic surgery for carcinoma rectum: single institute study, Int J Adv Robot Innov Surg 2023;1:65-9