Genetic Counseling

Empowering You with Knowledge and Support

Understanding Genetic Counseling in Oncology

Genetic counseling in oncology focuses on assessing your risk of inherited cancer syndromes and providing you with the necessary information to make informed decisions about your health. At Aster Whitefield Hospital, our specialized genetic counselors work closely with you to understand your family history and evaluate your risk of cancer, guiding you through genetic testing and personalized care plans.

Who Can Benefit from Genetic Counseling in Oncology?

  • Individuals with a personal or family history of cancer
  • Those diagnosed with cancer at a young age
  • Families with multiple relatives affected by the same or related cancers
  • People with rare or unusual cancers
  • Individuals considering genetic testing for hereditary cancer syndromes

Our Services

Comprehensive Risk Assessment:

Detailed evaluation of your personal and family medical history

Identification of patterns that may indicate a hereditary cancer syndrome

Genetic Testing:

Discussion of the benefits, limitations, and potential outcomes of genetic testing

Coordination and facilitation of appropriate genetic tests

Result Interpretation and Management:

Clear and detailed explanation of genetic test results

Development of personalized surveillance and management plans

Family Communication and Support:

Guidance on how to communicate genetic information to family members

Emotional support and counseling throughout the process

Educational Resources:

Information on hereditary cancer syndromes and genetic mutations

Resources for understanding cancer risk and prevention strategies

Our Doctors

We have some of the best specialists from around the world, they bring years of experience and offer evidence based treatment to ensure the best care for you.
