Aster international institute of oncology is a state-of-the-art multidisciplinary international standard cancer care institute. Offering an entire range of oncology-related services backed by our highly experienced team of doctors, cutting-edge technologies and the latest innovations. In order to provide you with complete cancer care under one roof.
Aster International Institute of Oncology is a network of hospitals providing easily accessible and affordable cancer care in India and Gulf Council countries. The motto of our international cancer grid is “Complete cancer care. With you - Every step of the way”.
The Multidisciplinary tumour board (MDT)
The multidisciplinary team approach integrates all clinical services including Surgical oncology, Medical oncology, Radiation oncology, Nuclear medicine therapy and Palliative oncology as part of the Disease Management Group (DMG). We provide comprehensive prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, survivorship, and palliative end-of-life care services under one roof.
The robust Joint MDT board discussion on the treatment of every patient makes its truly personalised, medical & evidence-based oncology guidelines and protocols. This ensures the highest standard of oncological care is achieved without compromising on QOL quality of life.
Our Hospitals
Aster Hospitals is a pioneer in cancer treatment, with an inherent emphasis on clinical excellence. We provide comprehensive cancer care treatment through our network of hospitals in Bangalore.

Our Team
Our clinicians collaborate to investigate diagnostic methods and devise novel therapies, leading to advances in treatments. The clinicians at AIIO are motivated by the credo of providing value based health care without compromising on clinical outcomes.
Coupled with the availability of an allied team of nutritionists and oncology counsellors and rehabilitation specialists all available under one roof, AIIO truly is the most unique and state of art complete cancer centre.
Medical Oncology, Hemato - Oncology and Stem Cell Transplant
Radiation Oncology
Nuclear Medicine
Palliative Oncology
Head and Neck Oncology
Gyneacological Oncology
Paediatric Oncology
Paediatric Oncosurgery
Interventional Radiology
News, Events and Blogs
The source of trustworthy health and medical information. Through this section, we provide research-based health information, and all that is happening in Aster Hospital.
What our Patients Are Saying
Our patients are our best advocates, hear the inspiring stories of their treatment journey
Want to find out more about Cancer treatment? The answer to your questions can be found below.
The symptoms of cancer can vary widely depending on the type and stage of cancer, and some types of cancer may not cause any symptoms at all in the early stages. However, some common symptoms of cancer may include:
- Fatigue or weakness that does not improve with rest.
- Unexplained weight loss or gain.
- Persistent pain or discomfort that stays for a long.
- Changes in the skin, such as a new mole or a change in the color, size, or shape of an existing mole.
- Persistent coughing or hoarseness.
- Difficulty swallowing or persistent indigestion.
- Persistent or recurring infections or fevers.
- Unusual bleeding or discharge, such as from the rectum, vagina, or nipples.
- Swelling or lumps in the neck, underarm, groin, or other parts of the body.
- Changes in bowel or bladder habits, such as constipation, diarrhea, or frequent urination.
It's important to remember that these symptoms can also be caused by other medical conditions, and having one or more of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that you have cancer. However, if you experience any of these symptoms, especially if they persist or worsen over time, you should talk to your doctor to determine the underlying cause and get appropriate treatment.
Yes, cancer is a curable disease, if it is diagnosed at an early stage (Stage I and II) and appropriate treatment is prescribed by cancer specialists. The highly treatable types of cancers are breast cancer, skin cancer (non-melanomas), colon cancer, prostate cancer, testis cancer, and cervical cancer. In the present day, even early-stage IV cancer can be curable. The focus has shifted to intent. From Stage I too early Stage IV (limited metastases) the approach now is with the intent to cure. The increasing use of immunotherapy and/or stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR) in early-stage IV is a welcome development. Visit the Best Cancer Centre in Bangalore to avail yourself of advanced treatments for cancer.
Earlier it used to be 7 warning signals of cancer. Presently, since the cancer is not uncommon, the advice would be, any persistent (lasting beyond a couple of weeks or months), progressive (increasing in intensity despite regular medication) complaints not responding to regular medication require investigation to rule out cancer. Consult the Best Cancer Care Specialists at Aster International Institute of Oncology in Bangalore.
Earlier not much importance was given to the patient's and attendant's role in the management of cancer. Nowadays a lot of importance needs to be given to the lifestyle led by patients and their attendants. For one, it will improve the quality of life of patients and the people around them and secondly, these lifestyle changes have the chance of improving the cure rate. Refer to the survivorship program that will be provided on your to the Best Oncology Hospital in Bangalore.
- Non-melanoma Skin Cancer
- Breast Cancer
- Leukemia
- Kidney Cancer
- Pancreatic Cancer.
Here the answer has not changed. Cancer is not a contagious disease or disorder that can so quickly transmit from one person to another. The immune system of a healthy person will destroy foreign cells, including cancer cells from another person. There is no such evidence that cancer is a communicable disease that can transmit from a cancer patient to a healthy person if they are in close contact with or breathing common air. One can safely mix with cancer patients, use utensils in common, and allow playing with children/grandchildren. Occasionally, cancer can spread through tissue or organ transplantation methods due to immunosuppression medication.
It is very important to use the time optimally with the time you spend during the consultation. Although you would be anxious to spend a lot of time knowing the outcome of the cancer vis a vis cure, the doctor may not exactly be able to assure the outcome of you in exact terms. The general statistics the doctors have is for choosing and recommending the treatment for you, and a specialist will not able to specify for you the cure. Instead, you should give enough time to regarding choices of treatment available and focus on what you can do to improve the probability of a cure. Please check the survivorship program of Best Oncology Hospital in Bangalore.
Accreditations and Awards
Our awards and accreditations are a testament to our global standards of medical care to our patients.