Dr. Pushpa Naga C H

Dr Pushpa, Radiation Oncologist

Dr. Pushpa Naga C H

Senior Specialist - Radiation Oncology

MBBS, MD (Radiation Oncology), DNB (Radiation Oncology) Fellowship in Gynaecological Radiation Oncology
English, Hindi, Kannada

Dr. Pushpa Naga CH is a Radiation Oncologist with experience of 10 years as a specialist in the field. Her specialisation in advanced radiation therapy delivers comprehensive care for a multitude of can-cers. Her expertise lies in managing women cancers, particularly through innovative procedures like brachytherapy and high- precision radiotherapy techniques such as IM-IGRT and Stereotactic radia-tion therapy.

She graduated MBBS from Sri Siddhartha Medical College, Tumkur in 2009. She completed her Master's in Radiation Oncology from M.S. Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru. She has pursued advanced senior residency training in Radiation Oncology at Tata Memorial Hospital - Mumbai, a premier cancer institute in India. She has also successfully accomplished a fellowship in Gynaeco-logical cancers at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. Following this she has worked at renowned cancer institutes including Medanta – The Medicity, Delhi NCR and Apollo Cancer Centre, Banga-lore.

Dr. Pushpa has excelled throughout her career with many notable accomplishments in both patient care and clinical research. Through her patient-centric approach, she constantly adapts the latest cut-ting-edge treatment options. Leveraging her diverse expertise, she has mentored students and young colleagues while collaborating closely with eminent experts and peers to combat the critical issue of cancer.

Area of expertise
  • Gynaecological cancers/ Breast Cancers / Head and Neck Cancers / Paediatric Tumors.
  • Modern radiotherapy procedures include IM-IGRT, VMAT and Gating.
  • Advanced Brachytherapy applications including MR-based Image-guided Brachytherapy- In-tracavitary, Interstitial (Breast, Perineal Implants, and STS), Intraluminal and Surface Moulds.
  • Special radiotherapy procedures – SRS/ SRT, SBRT, APBI, IOERT, TBI, TSET
Awards and recognitions
  • She has won several awards at national and international conferences for her clinical work.
  • Best Paper Award at 25th AGOI & 15th WCI-TMH Annual conference, Mumbai - Oct 2017.
  • Best Poster Award at 1st Joint Karnataka - Maharashtra chapter's AROI Annual meeting, Goa - Aug 2013.
  • Best Poster Award at 6th Indian brachytherapy society IBSCON Annual conference, Chennai - Aug 2016.
  • Second topper of RGUHS university examination in M.D. Radiation Oncology May 2014.
  • Has been a Guest Speaker, Panel Discussion Moderator, Expert Panelist, and Judge at several State, National & International Conferences.
  • Has been an active reviewer panel member of several international and multidisciplinary journals.


  • Dr. Pushpa has one 35 peer-reviewed scientific publications in high-impact national and interna-tional journals such as Clinical Oncology, IJROBP, Radiotherapy and Oncology, BJR, Brachy-therapy, Gynaecologic Oncology etc. along with over 300+ article citations. {https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=v7L-0PQAAAAJ&hl=en}


  • She is an active member of many professional bodies including Association of Radiation Oncolo-gists of India, Karnataka State Chapter of AROI, Indian Brachytherapy Society (IBS), American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) and European Society of Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO).